Custom Mini Fig
Get a one-of-a-kind custom painted miniature figure for your favorite tabletop characters. I offer sculpting modifications such as weapon swaps or boob reduction on any premade fig, or a custom 3D printed fig (via Hero Forge). If you opt for a premade fig and do not have a fig in mind, I’ll help you find the right fig. If you opt for a 3D print you may design one yourself or ask me to design it for you.
Small is base price $30, medium is base price $40, large is base price $50. Minor modification adds $5, major modification or custom print adds $10. No limit on number of colors. All premade figs have mold edges trimmed free.
Email me after ordering to begin the process.
Get a one-of-a-kind custom painted miniature figure for your favorite tabletop characters. I offer sculpting modifications such as weapon swaps or boob reduction on any premade fig, or a custom 3D printed fig (via Hero Forge). If you opt for a premade fig and do not have a fig in mind, I’ll help you find the right fig. If you opt for a 3D print you may design one yourself or ask me to design it for you.
Small is base price $30, medium is base price $40, large is base price $50. Minor modification adds $5, major modification or custom print adds $10. No limit on number of colors. All premade figs have mold edges trimmed free.
Email me after ordering to begin the process.
Get a one-of-a-kind custom painted miniature figure for your favorite tabletop characters. I offer sculpting modifications such as weapon swaps or boob reduction on any premade fig, or a custom 3D printed fig (via Hero Forge). If you opt for a premade fig and do not have a fig in mind, I’ll help you find the right fig. If you opt for a 3D print you may design one yourself or ask me to design it for you.
Small is base price $30, medium is base price $40, large is base price $50. Minor modification adds $5, major modification or custom print adds $10. No limit on number of colors. All premade figs have mold edges trimmed free.
Email me after ordering to begin the process.